April 25, 2024


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Belgium Considers Asylum for Rwandan Involved In Death of Ten UN Peacekeepers

A family member of one of the victims of the massacre of ten UN peacekeepers in 1994 during the genocide against Tutsis has expressed outrage that Belgium is considering granting asylum to one of the men involved in the slaughter.

Martine Debatty, the sister of Corporal Alain Debatty, who was murdered along with nine other UN peacekeepers at the start of the1994 Genocide against Tutsis, has gone public in expressing her anger that Belgium is considering granting former Rwandan Major Bernard Ntuyahaga asylum in the country 7sur7 reports.

“We can not host him in Belgium,” Ms Debatty said and added, “If he gets asylum, it’s really disgusting,” and said she would make a lot of noise in opposition to a positive asylum ruling.

Ntuyahaga, who was arrested and eventually found guilty of his participation in the killings in 2007 and was sentenced to 20 years in prison but was given an early release this year. According to reports, none of the relatives of the victims, all of them Belgian, were informed that the former Rwandan Major would be getting an early release from prison.

A spokesman for Tutsi victims of the Rwandan genocide also commented on the early release, saying: “We were not informed that he was released. We have, however, followed closely his process. I understand that he has served his sentence, but that man should actually be in prison forever.

“He has killed 10 Belgian soldiers. I hope he will be sent back to Rwanda soon and that he will be tried there again,” he added.

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