April 19, 2024


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Donald Kaberuka among Potential candidates for World Bank Presidency

According to media reports Donald Kaberuka is among potential candidates for World Bank Presidency.

Names of potential candidates already raised in media reports include Donald Kaberuka of Rwanda, Sri Mulyani Indrawati of Indonesia.

Donald Kaberuka, former president of the African Development Bank Group, is a CGD distinguished visiting fellow and member of the board of directors. He is also the Hauser Leader-in-Residence at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

During his tenure as president of the African Development Bank, Kaberuka bolstered its franchise value, tripled its capital from USD 30 billion to USD 100 billion, and doubled the bank’s portfolio.

Kaberuka’s leadership was particularly characterized by a “big push” on the private sector and leading from the front on infrastructure. He championed an inclusive growth agenda; promoted a strong link between security, development and the environment, establishing a ring-fenced facility for conflict affected countries; and appointed an international high-level panel on fragile states led by President Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia.

 He put in place an Africa Natural Resource Center and the African Legal Support Facility to provide support to African countries managing natural resource wealth.

 The US is likely to argue that to ensure a smooth transition, a new World Bank president should be named prior to the 9-14 April 2019 annual meeting of World Bank members in Washington.

But this is no longer an issue. Under the 2011 reforms there is now an interim president, the highly regarded Kristalina Georgieva of Bulgaria. She is fully capable of managing the bank while all candidates are carefully vetted for their personal integrity and professional achievements.

The search for a new head of the bank should also allow for input from the many large national and international civil society organisations that are its vital partners.

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