April 18, 2024


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Meet Mukanoheli, a 63 Years Old Literacy Champion

Born in 1956, Mukanoheli Languide, 63, is an old woman living in Nyaruhanga Village, Karurama Cell, Rushaki Sector of Gicumbi District in the Northern Province of Rwanda.

A Catholic Christian, Mukanoheli has decided to spend her life contributing to her community Literacy starting with Children and illiterate parents through Mureke Dusome “Let’s read” community program funded by the US Agency for the International Development through Save the Children.

“I am one of those who were selected through Mureke Dusome and my assignment is to teach members of my community how to read and to write mostly focusing on Children.” She says.

Every Wednesday and Saturday is time to read together in her community.

Children come to the nearby Primary School where she and the School have already set up a space where reading clubs sit in a circle and start reading.

What is special is that most of the stories read were and are written by Mukanoheli.

“So far I have written about 30 stories for Children.” Mukanoheli says

“I try to capture the feelings of those children and most of the messages included in those stories really touch on preparing a child for being an active member in the future of our society.”

Mukanoheli lives in this area in Rushaki sector

It is not necessarily to go to school for reading club, Children also may join Mukanoheli at a serene place located in her residential area and start reading as usual.

For Mukanoheli, writing and reading is her passion. Mukanoheli doesn’t receive salary for that important work. She created even a nursery school to keep providing her contribution despite her advanced age.

“I do this work as passion.” She says.

“The Challenges I have are adaptable. “ She commented.

“For instance, as you see most of my time I use papers! Getting papers is difficult.

“I need also a smart phone so I get updated on what is going on around my country and the World,” She explains.

“Even if I am old but I am a woman of Courage. I am able to think and create knowledge that will benefit future generation.” She adds.

Mukanoheli Languide’s all children have studied and the last one is doing her University Study in Rulindo, thanks to Government Scholarship which enables her children to study

Again Mukanoheli wishes Mureke Dusome partners or Government Officials to support her so she can get on regular basis papers on which she can type her stories, Cellphone that enables her to get access to updated information and come up with new ideas, Publishing services and regular training among other support that can advance her career.


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