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Charity Month: Caritas Kigali seeks Rwf 40 million in Cash to support Needy people

Father Donatien Twizeyumuremyi Director of Caritas Kigali

By Ange de la Victoire DUSABEMUNGU

Caritas Kigali, a branch of Caritas Rwanda is looking for Rwf 40 million in cash to support vulnerable and poor people including needy foreign citizens living in Mahama Refugee Camp, Rwanda.

This was announced on Tuesday, August 06, 2019 during a press conference organized by Caritas Kigali as part of raising awareness on the 2019 Charity month.

In Catholic Church, every August each year is a charity month during which Caritas collects various donations, equipment and Cash from various people to support those in needy situation so that they can catch up with others in terms of socio-economic development.

Father Donatien Twizeyumuremyi Director of Caritas Kigali, says this year 2019, Caritas Kigali is seeking Rwf 40 million in Cash which is the same target as the previous year where Caritas managed to collect Rwf 28 million in cash less than the targeted amount.

“We decided to keep the same target because in 2018 we didn’t manage to collect the targeted amount. So keeping the same target is very important to see if we can reach that amount.” Father Twizeyumuremyi said.

“Really we want everyone to contribute regardless his or her belief. We have many poor people and many vulnerable families and we Rwandans have the duty to alleviate them from that condition.” He added.

Father Twizeyumuremyi appeals to members of the Private sector to play an active role in this charity month by donating in their respective capacities.

“The people that we support are not only members of the Catholic church. We target needy people in the society” He explains.

“For instance, we work closely with local administration at the sector level and select people from the list of poor people in the sector.” He added, noting that Caritas works closely with the Government institutions in providing assistances to vulnerable people.

Even if Caritas Kigali is looking for the above mentioned amount in cash, in 2018 Caritas Kigali total support valued at Rwf 110,584,568.

Narame Marie Gratia in charge of advocacy and social mobilization in Caritas Kigali explains that “Normally we receive various donations, equipment, clothes, cash, etc but when we value them in cash we found that there is a lot of money that we collected.”

Narame Marie Gratia in charge of advocacy and social mobilization (Middle)

“When donations are in cash, Caritas Kigali use them in other services like paying school fees for needy children, helping vulnerable parents in their associations, paying health insurance for needy people…while other supports which are not in cash are delivered to those in need like for example clothes that we give to refugees in camps and to other families in general.” Narame explains.

Caritas Kigali requests all Christians and Rwandans in general to play an active role in this year’s charity month in order to secure targeted support to alleviate vulnerable people from the critical conditions they live in while at the same time looking for a long-term solution to their problems.

“We really need to alleviate them from poverty and make sure that they have reached a level of self-reliance rather than always relying on charity donations.” Father Twizeyumuremyi reveals.

To donate your SUPPORT on Mobile Money, Send to 0781460747 (Mobile Money Caritas)

BANK OF KIGALI: Account Number: 00040-00691286-97 Caritas Kigali/OSC

RIM No: 01000208

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