April 23, 2024


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Leaders of Radio Maria Africa urged to promote ‘Pray with Kibeho, visit Kibeho’ initiative

The frontrunners of Radio Maria in 25 African countries were called upon to promote the chaplet of the seven sorrow prayer in their respective radio program, the kind of prayer that ‘Mother of the word’ communicated to school adolescents during Kibeho apparitions.

A delegation made up of program managers (members of the clergy) and chairpeople (laic) of Radio Maria in Africa, went for a pilgrimage to Kibeho after closing in Kigali, a Radio Maria African Congress on Friday 29 February 2020.

Radio Maria African Congress is organized every year as an opportunity to strengthen radios and their sustainability through a fund rising event called ‘Mariathon’.

The vision of Radio Maria is to have in Africa an excellent level of communication in order to be capable to spread peace, love, brotherhood among other values that make humanity grow.

During the aforementioned pilgrimage, Jean Paul Kayihura working for World Family of Radio Mari Africa, said the members of the delegation should put on their editorial schedule, spreading the message of repentance the Mother Mary, communicated to Kibeho.  

“We urged radios to pray and spread the chaplet of seven sorrow from Kibeho, but we want to make another step of starting programs on Kibeho apparitions and the message Mother Mary communicated in editorial schedule in their respective countries.”

Radio Maria in different countries in Africa started to make Kibeho known through the pray of chaplet of seven sorrows, Kayihura explained.

Every Tuesday in the studio of Radio Maria Kibeho, the chaplet is read in French and it’s heard in 10 African countries;  

On Thursday the chaplet is read in Portuguese to be followed live in Angola and Mozambique.

The same exercise is done on Friday, in English to be heard in six African countries.

A prayer of chaplet of the seven sorrows is done once a month in English or French to be heard in Germany. Once a month a chaplet is said from Kibeho in Spanish to be heard in Spain, Guatemala and Equatorial Guinea.

“This initiative of praying from Kibeho, a prayer that is followed in different countries will continue and it’s in the project entitled ‘pray with Kibeho and Visit Kibeho’”, Kayihura added.

“It aims at marketing Kibeho. One can’t broadcast the chaplet from Kibeho while in Mozambique, France, Germany without explaining its location, what happened there and why people have to pray in such money. He/she should explain Kibeho, the message delivered there by the Virgin, and therefore, people happen to know Kibeho and Rwanda.”

Kibeho is located in Nyaruguru District, southern part of Rwanda. The apparitions there began on November 28, 1981  at a secondary school for girls.

Over the course of the 1980s, the Virgin Mary appeared to three young women Alphonsine Mumureke, Anathalie Mukamazimpaka and Marie Claire Mukangango who reported that the Virgin asked everyone to pray to prevent a terrible war which many believe was related to the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

In 2001, the local bishop of the Catholic Church officially recognized the visions of three schoolchildren as authentic.

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