April 19, 2024


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Decent housing for all will help Rwanda to protect the environment and make its citizens happy people

Happiness as elders get decent houses in Shyira Model Village. PHOTO: KT Press

By Ange de la Victoire DUSABEMUNGU

 Social scientists believe that in developing countries, protecting the environment, caring for the management of the natural resources and enabling citizens to access decent housing will contribute to increasing the confidence and happiness of the citizens mainly due to the positive effects of the above activities.

Like other countries on the planet earth, Rwanda is one of the first countries to make efforts to protect the environment, manage natural resources and strive to benefit from them, Housing the population and strive for food self-sufficiency and especially through better land use.

When you travel around Rwanda you notice a difference in population Housing.

You will find that some areas are characterized by good housing and better land use conditions that are not detrimental to human health and the environment, and there are other areas that live in a different way from the above.

Housing on Mountain Jali in the city of Kigali is likely to be risky, while reserving the space for reforestation can contribute a lot to the reduction of poor air in the city. Photo: TOP AFRICA NEWS

In such areas where people live differently from the first one, you will find that they are also prone to the effects of climate change, and sometimes relocating a citizen to an area that puts him or her at risk is often the root cause of a misdemeanour or conflict between the citizen and the public authorities.

It has often happened in different parts of the country whether in Kigali city or in other provinces but after relocating the people tomorrow you will meet them and they tell you that although perhaps the problem is hunger or lack of jobs but otherwise life is changing and it is better based on the value of human health in face of natural disasters.

Well-being of the population in addition to providing land for other activities including environmental protection, also contributes to the protection of human health when accidents happen mainly due to poor housing, earthquakes, erosion, landslides, collapse of houses and so on.

When you talk to the community who have been relocated, for example from the areas where the volcanic floods in the Northern Province have been a big challenge, they tell you that in addition to giving them the opportunity to benefit from the ecosystems protection , they also get the environmental profitable jobs as they are mostly removed from living conditions that prevented them from thinking beyond.

For instance, you will not talk to a former animal hunter whose life has been transformed after being given a cow or other productive animal to tell you that he is living a miserable or suspicious life.

The simple example is among many that can justify that providing “Decent housing for all will help Rwanda to protect the environment and make its citizens happy people”

So, let us continue to strive for a healthier happy life but also that protects the environment and natural resources for the wellbeing for all through a participatory approach where everyone is given the opportunity to increase knowledge and better understand the importance of happy life in a healthy environment.

To arrive at that desired level, entrepreneurship and profit-making programs will continue to play a key role in increasing the happiness and economic well-being of the community and thus also play a key role in the development of the world in which we live and contribute to its protection and beatification which favour happiness among the citizens.

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