February 17, 2025


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10 questions to Fred Mfuranzima, an inspiration to anyone who has ever dreamed about making a difference in the community

Mfuranzima born 1997 in Rwanda, is a young writer, poet, artist, photographer, activist and trainer, the founder and director at Imfura Arts Center and Imfura Arts for Peace association, once affiliated to Never Again Rwanda. which promotes writing, poetry, painting, music, photography and any form of art that calls for peace, healing and development of critical thinking in Great Lakes Region community. He is passionate about peace building and congenial, with a strong sense of responsibility and good team-spirit. Having played a couple important roles in the youth organizations, charity organizations and appeared in different events, honing the interpersonal communication skills.  have managed to work hard to pursue his high school education and life day to day because of his Genocide survivor family vulnerability but hope for better, Won different arts awards and international activist certificates, own a community library and he is International Peace Building Institute alumni and Acts Of Gratitude graduates student.


Imfura Arts For Peace artists and young activist team after their event meeting with Members of Rwanda Parliament this year of 2019.


Mfuranzima Fred grew in Kigali slam’s and he was very passionate about contributing to the positive change in the community using his personal talents, and peace is what he wish to see in Africa here’s the conversation we had with him, and answered ten questions.

  1. Who’s Mfuranzima Fred to you?

‘ Is normal person, with normal life, love to learn along the way.’

  1. Why do you decided to use art and writing books to become an activist?

‘Art, whether in the form of writing, theatre, sculpture, poetry, music, or otherwise, can serve as a means of expressing emotions, such as anger, confusion, happiness or sadness. But, art can also exist “for art’s sake” and serve no purpose beyond its production. does not have to be aesthetically pleasing, nor does it have to follow stringent rules. So art offer a voice to anyone and ask no start up capital, because I had no money, no rich family or anything, I used what I can do better with out many challenges.’

  1. What’s it means to you to be a celebrity published author at your ages?

This means a lot, means it’s a starting journey, I wrote on the Genocide against the Tutsi i didn’t see, and I still have to write more, and to the daily life young people are living in, but I still have to write more about my inspirations, dreams and occasionally speaking for others. There’s more things to write about Africa, so that’s why for me, my authentic voice as African must be raised though. It means I am on the right block.

  1. Which books did you wrote and what was about?

I have realized only three books so far in many hundreds of them I want to publish when God bless me with long life, first one is ‘ Urwandiko ruvuye kugasozi Bututsi’ second is ‘ A sister’s left shoe’ small book but which really worked for me and my readers. And finally a poetry book I titled ‘ Dreams to find another World’ it is contained different thoughts of hope, sadness, pain, suffering, surviving, believe, Pan-Africanism and so forth. But I also write different stories that I publish online or donate to different publishers, especially children stories.

  1. What does your family think about you?

‘ I think they’re proud, they used to see me talking on TV, radios and in newspapers but sometimes they’re not aware of what I am passing through, because they’re out there finding how to take care of their own life too , but honestly speaking I have opened an office in Kimironko, but few know there or how I manage it, but what I know they give me time to work on it and when I have bigger events I invite them and some of my extend family attend. My mother motivate me, she’s ordinary Rwandan as well, she’s not able to support anything but advises and prayers. This sector of art, we’re still building it to let our community understand that writers, poets and activist are normal people who need support and encouragement. We’re not enough alone. and that’s all what youth have to understand, we need support and taking care about ourselves while we are taking care to the dreams that we have, that’s what will sustain us, and they don’t have to give up to what they’ve started because there’s no one care, you still have to hold on until they all care.’

  1. Due to experience from your events and activities, which challenges youth have in the community? And how you define them?

 ‘Today, my community youth are mostly affected by the management of direct and indirect consequences of genocide, poverty, wars, unemployment, HIV/AIDS, illiteracy and limited possibilities of accessing learning from professionals education. The youth is facing with many challenges due to the current social and economic situation of our country, willingly need comfortable space for them where they can meet and discuss their own issues, find solutions and develop their critical thinking, as much as many have ideas that can bring impact on them and community but they’re not finding means to put them in action, all those challenges lead many of them in wrong doing like using drugs, prostitutions, and live as gangs on the streets.’

  1. As a youth passionate activist what is your role to help in reduction and solving those challenges?

” I am trying in my own means, many and more learning how to still contributing. First of all I created a space for young people ‘ Imfura Arts For Peace’ where we meet and try to make a difference among our peers youth. And come up with the idea because I knew many of young people in my community are interested in art and I believe that it will help them in coming time to sustain them in their daily lives development and peace as well. Because art allowed me to target children and youth, to give them messages that fit them and more time speaking for them because even many of our community leaders don’t understand their dreams and inspirations because of how world is changing rapidly, they have innovation that really took a time to be explained to our elder leaders. So art is creative and flexible, making it an excellent tool for younger and older target groups. Art can act as a positive distraction for children and youth, adult suffering either directly or indirectly from conflicts or violence in their communities.  And offer youth a temporary escape from destructive conflict and simultaneously provides them with an outlet for their emotions, opinions, and hopes for the future. In many cases, arts also result in tangible products that grant parents, or guardians insight into a child’s feelings. This what in general I tried to do, to create such space.”

  1. What’s your biggest dream?

” To see a developed, peaceful and sustainable Africa.”

  1. Where do you see yourself in next ten years?

” I see myself living in Africa, and really developed my talents, contributing to the development of our community, sustained my peace building, youth and art center, published more than 10 books and developed my business that will look after me, married to my girlfriend and living happily with my family. And became an outstanding activist in my country, continent and World wide as well.”

  1. What’s your message to the people who will read this especially young people?


My message is simple to everyone, live to learn, and act to change. And the other message to my African fellows, let’s respect, love and support each other to put our continent to another level. faith and patriotism is a life foundation to me. Young people, whatever you are passing through, remember that you have to stand strong against it, and to stay positive is the weapon that will help you to not turn back against yourself. Requesting anyone to support career as they can, follow me on social media for updates and advises. And remember, God is good.


Mfuranzima  Fred’s talking

Mfuranzima Fred Idea has reached out more than 22,000 people, is partnering with different organizations, and his impact according to the people involved in his own and organization programs reached 15 countries. like the last his Poetry For Peace competition, people from 7 countries across the globe attended.s started different community clubs in the country, but remember he  started small and grow each and every day, so what can you do too to change the community positively? It’s up to you and your opportunities. Art as a simple and effective tool that all can participate in, regardless of gender, age, religion, ethnicity, political affiliation, and physical ability. provides Fred Mfuranzima and his team a voice for those who may otherwise lack an outlet. Recognizing that art is a language of its own, IMFURA ARTS FOR PEACE encourages the use of art in all its forms, including traditional disciplines like painting, poetry, music and theatre, and more unique forms such as animation, videography, design and crafts and others to bring messages that can build our community sustainable peace and development.




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