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Kirehe: Torrential rain destroys houses and Hectares of crops

Torrential rain has destroyed 192 houses and hectares of crops in Gahara Sector in Kirehe District, TOPAFRICANEWS reports.

Kirehe District is in the Eastern Province of Rwanda whose soil is very productive to various crops including banana and Maize plantations

It rained on the evening of October 3, 2020, destroying houses in Gahara. The rain destroyed 172 houses, while 20 houses were damaged in Rubimba Cell, according to the District’ official in charge of Economic Development.

The official said the wind caused the collapse of the house as it was very heavy during the rainy time, where apart from the fact that the houses demolished also crops on 74 hectares of land we heavily destroyed.

The official said a wounded resident was trying to seize the house and consequently he was severely injured by the roof, where he fought to prevent the wind from blowing it away. He is now admitted to Gahara Health Centre.

According to the official, 192 families have already been accommodated by neighbors and some others are to find accommodations in schools as officials continue to find long-term solutions.

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