October 14, 2024


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Agricultural Exports fetch more than Rwf 3.5 billion last week

Rwanda: National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB) estimated that agricultural exports accounted for more than 3.5 billion Frw last week.

NAEB figures show that last week Rwanda exported 441 tonnes of tea, earning $ 1,075,007 (more than 1 billion Frw).

Compared to the previous week, tea revenue fell 6.6%, the agency said. Most of the tea was sold in Pakistan and the United Kingdom, at an average price of $ 2.4 per kilo.

NAEB also said that Rwandan coffee was also among the most lucrative exports last week as it sold 664.3 tonnes worth $ 2,119,605, about two billion Rwandan francs. Most of the coffee was sold in China and the United Kingdom, where at least one kilo was bought for $ 3.2.

Vegetables, fruits and flowers exported valued at $ 512,623, more than 500 million Rwandan Francs. A lot of money came from the fruit. The countries that bought most vegetables, fruits and flowers are the United States and the Netherlands.

In the aftermath of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, the agricultural sector is one of the most reformed and the country’s income generation is increasing.

Revenue from coffee rose from $ 38 million in 1994 to $ 62.4 million while that from tea in 1994 was $ 17.5 million, now $ 92.54 million.

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