RMB, UNICEF and REWU visit ECD construction sites at Gifurwe, NBM Mining Zones
A team from Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board (RMB), UNICEF, Rwanda Extractive Industry Workers Union (REWU), and ADEPE representatives visited WMP Gifurwe and the New Bugarama Mining Company in Burera District to eyewitness the progress of the construction of ECD (Early Childhood Development Centres) that will care for children whose mothers work in mining activities.
The two-day field visit began on November 25 to November 26, 2021.
The ECDs are being built at the Mining companies as part of a program to help the mothers working in mines to have a safe place where their children can remain while their parents are at work.
The team that visited the sites mentioned above consisted of the Division Manager of the mining exploration at Rwanda Mines, Petroleum and Gas Board Mr. Donat Nsengumuremyi, along with Mr. Rajat, the Chief of partnership at UNICEF, the Secretary General of REWU Eng. Mutsindashyaka Andre and ADEPE representative, Mr. MINANI Noel coordinator of WMP Gifurwe as well as Mr. Janvier NDABANANIYE Managing Director of NBM.
The managers of the visited companies have expressed confidence in the importance of these centres, which they believe will lead to the increment of the productivity as parents will have a safe place to leave their children and will also help in the development and protection of the rights of children. This ECDs are incorporated in their plan of corporation social responsibility.
The RMB representative, Mr. Donat Nsengumuremyi thanks and called on the mines authorities to complete the work so that the buildings can be used.
In addition, other Mining companies in Rwanda should be involved in childcare by establishing such centres as they contribute to the women rights by promoting corporation social responsibility.
The UNICEF representative promised to continue to work together with RMB as well as other actors of mining sector to improve the education and development of children.
Construction of ECDs in Mining areas is also part of a plan to increase the number of women working in the mining industry and to avoid school dropouts as children will no longer be prevented to attend class as was the case where some parents forced them to stay at home to take care of their siblings while their parents are at work. All those will contribute to the decent work promotion and child protection as said by the Secretary General of REWU.