Rwanda: A Senior Journalist who is also politician and former University Lecturer Acquitted
The High Court of Nyarugenge acquitted Dr Kayumba Christopher of the charges he was being prosecuted of including forcible sexual intercourse and complicity in the crime and ordered that he be released immediately.
The decision of the Court was read on February 22, 2023 where the Judge stated that there is no sufficient evidences against Dr Kayumba Christopher who was a former Lecturer at the University of Rwanda, Department of Media.
The prosecution had requested that the man be convicted of the crimes he was accused of committing on different occasions and sentenced him to 10 years and six months in prison.
However, Dr Kayumba Christopher challenged the prosecutor by pointing out that there is no evidence against him and that the prosecution’s statements are contrary to the truth.
Dr. Kayumba had requested that if he is accused of raping someone, there should be evidence including a doctor’s report showing that he actually raped the victim.
The prosecution pointed out that the request for a doctor’s report is not reasonable due to the time the crime took place and the time the complaint was filed.
Dr Kayumba Christopher continued his trial denying all the charges against him in his trial saying that they are fabricated but that he is imprisoned for political reasons.
He pointed out that the testimony given by the plaintiffs is inconsistent and therefore should not be given any weight.
In his trial, he told the judges that justice is an important value for any country, especially Rwanda, because it allows for lasting peace, sustainable development, and he asked that the fabrications be discredited and aimed at removing him from the political arena.
After the court considered the arguments of both parties, on Wednesday, February 22, 2022, the judge said that the evidence given by the accuser is doubtful.
It ordered that Dr Kayumba Christopher be acquitted of the charges against him.
Dr Kayumba has been detained in Mageragere Prison since October 5, 2021, when the Kicukiro District Court confirmed that there are serious reasons for his temporary detention.