Enhancing Agro-Forestry: IUCN Rwanda’s Community Workshop on Agro-biodiversity and Soil Water Balance in Eastern Rwanda
On Thursday, IUCN Rwanda in partnership with CIFOR-ICRAF Rwanda, Rwanda Forestry Authority, and Ghent University through the DeSIRA project funded by the European Union host a community-level workshop on mainstreaming functional agro-biodiversity and soil water balance in agroforestry value chains in the Eastern Province of Rwanda.
The project aims to increase smallholder farmers’ adoption of agroforestry practices that are tailored to their specific needs and contexts by providing training and extension services on how to design, implement and manage agroforestry systems in the Eastern Province and peri-urban of Kigali.
DeSIRA project enhances the benefits of ecosystem services; soil fertility, water regulation, and biodiversity conservation, through identification of scalable agroforestry practices resilient to climate change that can guarantee sustainable food security and environmental health.
It also strengthens the capacity of national institutions and stakeholders in agroforestry systems such as extension services and farmer-led organizations to support the adoption of agroforestry practices and sustainable land use management in the Eastern Province.
The community level workshop organized by IUCN Rwanda and partners on mainstreaming functional Agro-biodiversity and soil water balance in agroforestry value chains in the Eastern Province of Rwanda is a significant step towards sustainable agriculture and conservation of natural resources.
The workshop has provided an opportunity for farmers to learn about innovative farming techniques that promote biodiversity, soil health, and water conservation.
It is hoped that this initiative will inspire more farmers to adopt sustainable farming practices, leading to improved livelihoods and a healthier environment for all.