April 27, 2024


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President Kagame Urges RPF Members to Find Successor

Our Reporter

President Kagame and the Chairman of the RPF Inkotanyi have called on party members to start looking for a successor without his direct involvement, focusing on individuals between the ages of 30 and 49. This message was reiterated at the Congress of the Party, where he was also elected as the Party’s candidate for the upcoming Presidential elections in July.

During his speech, President Kagame expressed his gratitude for the support and trust from party members. He recalled a past situation where a citizen shared his story on why he (Kagame) should continue to lead the country and from that situation, Kagame emphasized the importance of finding capable leaders to continue the journey.

Referring to the 2010 events, President Kagame said that at that time “Many people stand up, and I will not even forget the one who stood up from Rusizi, who told us his history, connecting it with that of Rwanda. After all all he said that It was the reason why I should be the RPF candidate, he explains it, he talks about his history, how he does business, that he does it in Burundi and in the DRC.”

President Kagame stressed the need to build confidence among Rwandans and find individuals who can uphold the values and vision of the RPF. He highlighted the importance of grooming younger leaders to take over, emphasizing the qualities and characteristics that are essential for effective leadership.

He encouraged party members to be mentally prepared to take on leadership roles and to work towards building a strong foundation for the future. President Kagame emphasized the importance of finding individuals who are committed to serving the people and advancing the country’s development.

In conclusion, President Kagame reiterated his commitment to supporting the party and expressed his belief in the potential of the younger generation to lead Rwanda towards a brighter future.

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