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Rutsiro: 29 beneficiaries of Sebeya Project receive cows as part of livelihood transformation  

Beneficiaries confirmed that cows will play a role in their households development


Twenty-nine beneficiaries of the project entitled “Embedding Integrated Water Resources Management project in Rwanda” in Sebeya Catchment have been provided with 29 cows that will help them in their development, increase productivity, get fertilizer to improve soil fertility while at the same time continue to preserve Sebeya river.

Beneficiaries are from Terimbere Cell in Nyabirasi Sector of Rutsiro District in Western Party of Rwanda, where Sebeya River has its source of origin.

More citizens will benefit from this initiative which is also part of one cow per family launched by President Paul Kagame to improve the living conditions of Rwandans

As planned in the district’s fiscal year 2020/2021, 195 cows will be distributed to the people of Nyabirasi, Murunda and Ruhango sectors and the cows will be handed over to citizens through the Girinka program.

Beneficiaries committed to ensure collaboration in maintaining the activities done in the project, especially taking good care of the land, combating soil erosion and flooding that continued to affect the residents of Sebeya catchment.

Residents are helped to conserve their land but also play a role in combating soil erosion that often floods into the Sebeya River.

With technical supports from joint team comprises Rwanda Water Resources Board, IUCN, SNV and RWARRI various activities implemented under this project are afforestation, dams’ creation, trenches’ digging, promotion of agroforestry, climate smart agriculture, gullies rehabilitation, radical terraces among many others

The same donation of cows to rural communities have been done in Rubavu District, Kanama Sector where residents from three cells namely Karambo, Nkomane and Rusongati have been given 72 cows

The Embedding Integrated Water Resources Management project in Rwanda is being implemented by the Government of Rwanda through Rwanda Water Resources Board in partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) and Rwanda Rural Rehabilitation Initiative as well as the catchment’s Districts.

The project covers four districts of Rutsiro, Ngororero, Nyabihu and Rubavu

Protecting Sebeya catchment is part of Rwanda’s long term effort to rehabilitate and restore the degraded areas countrywide



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