November 10, 2024


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Apple’s 2021 C02 Reduction surpasses what Cuba emits in a Year

BanklessTimes studied Apple’s carbon emissions and concluded that the firm cut 22.5 million metric tons (24.8M tonnes) in 2021. That’s more than Cuba’s annual carbon footprint of 22.9 million tonnes by 2020 estimates. It achieved that feat through several initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.

“Apple is keeping to its primary mission that is working to address the global climate crisis,” said BanklesTimes’ CEO Jonathan Merry. He continued,” Its carbon reduction initiatives are driven by the understanding that growth doesn’t have to be unsustainable. The firm has grown its revenues by 33% in the past year while its emissions grew by less than 5%.”

Apple’s carbon-neutral push

Apple invests in innovation and environmentally sound practices to drive its zero-emissions push. It reports that all of its corporate functions are carbon neutral. That success has encouraged it to target the same across its ecosystem.

Recycling is a major component of Apple’s green strategy. In 2021 it accelerated its drive towards eventually making its products mining free. Apple says that up to 20% of its raw materials are products of recycling which has seen it reduce its dependence on mined metals.

Besides recycling, the company has more than doubled its clean energy usage. Again, it has adopted energy-efficient practices and carbon offsets to supplement its sustainability measures. In addition, the firm has roped 213 of its suppliers to use green energy in their dealings with it.

Towards a greener and equitable future

Apple believes that a greener future is an equitable one too. It is therefore investing in people and projects championing green tech. For example, its Impact Accelerator Project is funding entrepreneurs pushing innovations in sustainable tech.

Additionally, it is pursuing equity through its Power to Impact initiative.  The program connects underserved communities with solar and wind power. 

Finally, Apple contributes to a clean and equitable world through its Restore Fund. The fund promotes the development of working forests by supporting economic development while sequestering carbon from the atmosphere. 

Read the full story here: Apple’s 2021 C02 Reduction surpasses what Cuba emits in a Year

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