October 8, 2024


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Green Party President Calls for Compensation for Wrongfully Imprisoned Individuals

During a Press Conference last Friday, Dr. Frank Habineza, President of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, expressed his belief that individuals who have been wrongfully imprisoned for an extended period of time should be compensated. The Press Conference took place in Musanze District during an event to select candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Dr. Habineza highlighted the issue of individuals being temporarily imprisoned for more than 30 days while awaiting trial and investigation, stating that it violates human rights.

He emphasized the need for authorities to have sufficient evidence before detaining someone for an extended period, as prolonged imprisonment can have detrimental effects on the individual and their family.

Furthermore, Dr. Habineza proposed the creation of a fund within the Ministry of Justice or elsewhere to provide compensation to individuals who are released and found to be innocent.

He noted that in Rwanda, it is often difficult for wrongfully imprisoned individuals to seek legal recourse after their release, leading to potential social repercussions.

Dr. Habineza stressed the importance of including this proposal in the party’s manifesto, as it would address a critical issue within the justice system and provide support to those who have suffered unjustly.

He concluded by stating that reforming the compensation process for wrongfully imprisoned individuals is essential for upholding justice and protecting human rights in Rwanda.

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