April 26, 2024


We Digest News to tell the Truth

Kwibuka25: I was 6, Twenty-five years later I remember!

Twenty-five years later, we remember what we know, what we have lived through and yet the consequence that we are experiencing today. It is our duty to remember and not to forget to avoid recurrence of the Tragedy in our very Own Rwanda and Elsewhere in the World. We remember the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

Human loss, (children, mothers, fathers, God-fathers, God-mothers), loss of properties, loss of infrastructures, loss, loss, loss…! The loss of our peers, the loss of humanity!

We remember what we went through, we remember how our own people broke their “own Rwanda”, the heart of Africa. Remember that broken Heart, Remember the journey to its Healing, remember your Role in the Healing process!! I remember, we Remember, we Unite and we Renew!!

We remember how our people lost their humanity!! Alas! we remember the Blood of our Humanity and the bloodlust of our very own people, their extreme violence and carnage which led to their uncontrolled slaughter and torture of the body of Rwanda.

We remember a lot of the past, but also we remember how our beloved country #Rwanda regained its identity once lost; Thanks to the visionary leadership of #Rwanda.

 Let the Rwandan spirit reign everywhere!

As we remember the genocide against the Tutsi, none of the outside is allowed and will never be allowed to dictate to us how to remember our past tragic History because once the lost spirit regains its momentum whose solid foundation is “built on our tragic past”, the starting point of the bright future of the Present and Future Generations! Remember, Unite and Renew!!!

Remember that without Unity and without Rwandan identity (Umunyarwanda), our country would sink into chaos since everyone could work for their own interests without any concern for the other. Remember!

A message to my generation: “Together, Unite our hands to strengthen our” Rwandan” Spirit and reject the ethnocentrism of Hutu, Tutsi and Twa! Twenty-Five years later I remember!!! Do we remember together?

A message to the International community and fellow Rwandans yet to admit their Past “Let Rwanda, My country shape its own future for its own children. Do not distort our own history. Of course we know that Rwanda cannot do everything without you, but remember your “contribution” to the past that we always remember. Whether it is shameful or grateful, let this not prevent the Rwandan spirit from prevailing. It’s our domestic solution to our own problem”. My country my pride

About the Author:

Ange de la Victoire Dusabemungu (Rwandan) is a Journalist and Communicator by career, born in Rwanda, growing in Rwanda, lives in Rwanda. He is also Founder of TOPAFRICANEWS Website

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