April 25, 2024


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France-Rwanda Politics Rational and Realistic after Genocide

President Kagame and President Kagame and President Macron hold joint press conference at Palais de l'Élysée. Photo: Archive

France and Rwanda have known bitterness in political relations after the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

The fact was that Rwanda was accusing France with Facts showing that the European country has played a crucial role in the preparation and execution of the Genocide against Tutsi in Rwanda.

However France has distanced itself from accusations in several occasions.

Apart from the Former French President Sarkozy who tried to mend the Historical background of the two nations, recently the two countries have tried to put frank discussions on the issue with French President Emmanuel Macron putting in place an inquiry team that will investigate the role of France in the Genocide Against Tutsi.

On Macron Leadership also France declared every 7th April a day of commemorating the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

” I see today as an opportunity for France and Rwanda to get together, to work together. Whatever problems of the past we keep handling them on the side and keep moving forward.” President Kagame said

Speaking at VivaTech Summit which takes place in France, President Kagame said “What has happened has always intended to distance the two countries from each other. We have been very pragmatic and realistic in our politics. We don’t want to get lost in our past, we want to focus on our future and find ways to keep moving forward.”

President Paul Kagame who has always optimistic mind calls for the French investment in Rwanda explaining that “The feeling is that we don’t have enough French investments in Rwanda. I want to take this opportunity to appeal to French investors to come and do something in Rwanda.”

“We have had people who gave up crushed by the pressure of time and others who said we will give it a fight and get what we want; I chose to be on this side.” He added

Among his Priorities, Kagame also values the security of the Nation’s citizens

Kagame highlighted that “We are a small country, in a challenging neighborhood. When you have been pressed by problems, there are two people who emerge: those who are crushed by the pressure and give up or these pressures can form you into something that is going to stand the test of time.”

President Kagame always says that “After the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi, Rwanda made three fundamental choices namely: Staying and working together, Think big and be accountable to ourselves.”

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