Hope of Family scored high in literacy and capacity building among the Heads of Families
As we continue to report on the Hope of Family’s outstanding achievements made between 2018 and 2019, Today we are going to have a look on another intervention on the rate of literacy and capacity building among the Heads of Families supported by Hope of Family.
This sector of intervention touched also other areas like raising awareness among parents to attend community library, attend training about parental involvement in children’s education and family livelihood, and of course learning to read and to write for those who had not been able to go to school in their Child hood.
So, after one year of Intervention, the December, 2019 Hope of Family Midline report indicated that during the baseline time, Heads of Family who knew to read and write were 40% of the total beneficiaries of the Hope of Family.
As of December, 2019, the number increased to 75% since the programme has enabled other 35% to have access to the Adults Literacy programme and this means that there is still a gap of 25% under coaching.
In 2018, Heads of Family who attended Community Library were 0% of the total number of beneficiaries. However, by December 2019 there was a slight change as the number came from 0% attending community Library to 70% attending the Library.
So, there are so many achievements, You can download the Full report here