April 26, 2024


We Digest News to tell the Truth

No one has the right to deny or minimize Genocide against Tutsi, regardless of WHO he /she is

There is no time to deny or belittle the genocide against the Tutsi. Twenty-seven years later, we know more facts that were revealed by the perpetrators of the genocide themselves and they are archived.

The facts about the genocide against the Tutsi show how it was planned and how it was executed.

Our strong leadership has built a unity of people based on Rwandan identity which is the catalyst for development and the struggle for self-reliance.

It is unfortunate after 27 years there some people who do not know the pain and impacts of the genocide on the Rwandan people.

The entire nation has almost inherited trauma and other types of disorders, but our doctors while providing the treatment have not ruled out that this deserves treatment and this is not.

It is very sad that the genocide has been committed and it has left tears among many people who have lost their loved ones.

Fortunately, the families who survived kept hope for a better future.

The fact that the country has taken the lead in finding a lasting solution to our country’s tragic history is to be commended.

What if the RPF took power and said: Let’s do revenge?! Rwanda would have disappeared.

To better understand my opinion, I ask myself these questions: Are current children going to ask for information about the genocide, just like me who was already 1 or 15 years old during the genocide? And then, when an adult cannot properly explain to a child what happened, has he or she learned anything from our tragic past?

I don’t intend to hurt anyone, but whenever I see an issue that wants to make the misunderstandings or disrupt the journey we’ve chosen, I take a pen and write down what little I know but useful to all of us who are still working to support all the initiatives in place for the good of the nation.

Yes, I know that each of us has suffered consequences in one way or another.

However, from my side, I have realized that the ideology of genocide or the degradation of genocide in its form, those with such ideologies have something in common:

There are those who live with internal wounds and have no one to talk to about their grief and at least feel relieved.

There are also those who have been able to talk about their sorrow to the people they deem worthy of telling and instead of comforting them they encourage anger and this has constantly put them in the dark pain rather than relief.

We might ask ourselves why our government has chosen forgiveness policy over revenge policy. This is because the former ethnocentric government was the only one to blame for all the fate while a citizen was considered a victim of bad governance.

There are also those who feel well placed to explain the genocide among them are genocide deniers.

They do not care about which role they can play in building and promoting the unity of the nation. What they want is to cause misunderstandings and havocs so that the Rwandan people lose control.

In this category there is a desire to manipulate the hard facts.

In this section you will also find those who want to burn the country from abroad because they do not care about us, the people and the nation as a country.

So, such situations and many more are some of the obstacles that hold a person hostage from the past that cannot let go beyond the current level to another level.

From there you will start to see the ones who talk about double genocide, the hypocrites who start using genocide by trying to downplay the facts or blame others in whichever way.

In the case of our country, Rwanda, today most of the hypocrites/deniers we have are young people.

So, if we cannot have a common understanding of our country’s history and accept that the genocide against the Tutsi took place in Rwanda 27 years ago, what else do we have left? The answer is that we want to live life without direction and yet we must live as precious and prosperous people with their country in their hands.

Let’s take a look at ourselves and see what we have achieved 27 years ago and decide in which direction we are going.

Twenty-seven years after the genocide against the Tutsi, I see that a real Rwandan does not need to alert the international community on how she/he wants to live, but what we Rwandans should do is to ensure that the achievements of the country, whether in the field of Rwandan unity or in the general development of the people, are not destroyed by winds or rumours.

The genocide was a burden on the country, parents, families and ourselves as young people.

So, as we are fortunate to have people who have struggled enough not to leave a burden on young people, it is good to value the work they have done for us and assure them that we are firmly united to continue the path that leads us to better achievements than today.

This is the opinion of Ange de la Victoire Dusabemungu, Editor-in-chief of TOP AFRICA NEWS.

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