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Fondation Yolande Mukagasana to fight against Antisemitism and genocide ideology

The author of the books Mukagasana Yolande and other people who preserve the history of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi have founded the Fondation Yolande Mukagasana, which has a variety of objectives related to the fight against anti-Semitism and genocide ideology.

The Yolande Mukagasana Foundation will focus on promoting various arts events related to the history of the Genocide, including through songs, plays and films.

Yolande Mukagasana is the CEO of the organization, and has also been instrumental in its founding.

She explained that she had this idea in order to contribute to the fight against the perpetrators and deniers of the Genocide against the Tutsi.

“The ideology of the Genocide against the Tutsi is still evident, especially in the press and in the universities led by the perpetrators of the Genocide and their friends,” she said.

“As those who are committed to protecting and preserving the history of the Genocide against the Tutsi, we cannot tolerate those who belittle the history of Rwandans.” She explains

“The foundation was established by various people, including Rwandans and foreigners of different ages, especially the youth who are thirsty to build a united Rwanda. That is why it will not only return to the Genocide against the Tutsi, but also to the media wherever it finds evidence of genocide ideology.” Mukagasana noted

Other goals of the Yolande Mukagasana Foundation include research on the Genocide against the Tutsi, partnering with organizations and institutions, both public and private, responsible for preserving the history of the Genocide.

It will also use seminars and workshops on the Genocide against the Tutsi, document preservation and the promotion of a culture of reading and writing on the history of the Genocide.

Mukagasana continued: “The genocide against the Tutsi is a history of Rwandans and of humanity in general. Fighting the ideology and denial of Genocide is the fight against hatred and division among the people. That’s why everyone should be involved. “

The Yolande Mukagasana Foundation has opened its doors to anyone, both at home and abroad, who want to preserve the history of the Genocide against the Tutsi.

Yolande Mukagasana was affected by the Genocide against the Tutsi, as her husband and all her children were killed in April 1994.

Since 1995, she has been witnessing the events of the Genocide against the Tutsi from Europe, where she has spent 16 years fighting the stigma and denial of the Genocide against the Tutsi. She also taught justice, peace and tolerance despite the wounds of the Genocide.

Mukagasana travelled all over the world to testify to the events in Rwanda, earning her numerous awards including the UNESCO and the American Jewish Association.

Yolande Mukagasana has written seven books translated into many languages ​​and that is why she is determined to support the culture of reading and writing about the history of the Genocide against the Tutsi in an effort to make it memorable.

“No human being can exist without forgiveness, no forgiveness is possible without justice, and no justice can exist without humanity,” the mother says.

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