Muhanga based factory produces special ornaments from Construction stones
Muhanga District Administration has said that as research continues, the level of value-added products in Rwandan also continue to rise.
In this district of the Southern Province of Rwanda, there is a traditional stone processing plant which is transforming stones into decoration objects and has an idea of making tiles.
The stones that are used in manufacturing different objects are commonly used in construction. Many people may have already seen such stones but had no idea that they can produce other products including ornaments.
In this District, a refinery has been set up to process those stones at a rate of more than 50% and are exported to China, but there are plans to refine the rock products within Rwanda so that they are sold locally or exported in its final version.
Representatives of ALTM Industrial Development Limited, which processes the stones, explain that all activities focus on the market’s needs.
Ornaments of various categories including Jewellery are the ones that are produced from these stones. About 120 people have already found employment in the factory and have explained that although it is new, they are starting to earn money from its production.
The minerals used by the plant are extracted from the Western and Southern Provinces, and research on these reserves is ongoing.