February 7, 2025


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Meet Josephine Rusing, young Congolese who is expecting more positive changes in her country

Josephine Rusing and her colleague

By Mfuranzima Fred

Josephine Rusing,  She’s a young leader, artist and Congolese activist and she is 22 years old who is now living in Rwanda for studies.

Talking to her where she stays in Huye District, she was shooting her videos in the community and explained more about her motives;

“I’m  a young Congolese who expect more positives changes in my country and continent. I’m using art as tool to communicate, teach and educate my public in African countries and initiate them in sustainable changes…”

Josephine did her Primary and Secondary studies in North Kivu Goma, From her young ages, she liked art and used to perform more in public speaking, art and dance events.

Talking about what she’s done so far, she said:

“After my high school, I co-founded with my colleagues from the Secondary school, an institution of public speaking art ” Institut d’art oratoire “ Which have objectives to  create a mind of imitation, innovation and creativity among the youth for the change of our community and Africa in general especially Great lakes Region in particular. Thus, I had an opportunity of being the coordinator of this institution in 2018.”

This institution has formed more than 200 young in North Kivu, and has also create many departments as they cross in North Kivu but also for now in Burundi. That have an affiliated group at the “UNIVERSITE LUMIERE DE BUJUMBURA”.

Later on before coming to Rwanda, She created “Lionesses girls“ back in DRC,  organization which support not only women but also men to contribute to peace and development.

The point is that; ” We don’t believe that gender equity is possible if we teach women only who are used to be abused, while men are not aware. The education of both parties are more important to create potential change in Africa.

Talking about what’s integral to the work of an artist she said; “Since in our society troubles and violence don’t make many babies grow and parents’ death and instability. We always feel the rage of seeing things becoming different, we are feeling the urge need of change. Every moment we work to change ourselves first and stabilize our families so that our lives can change, our pain can heal and our tears can disappear.”

Talking on the role of artist like her said “An artist in the society is a teacher of good manners, light for the future. This role come without the effort from the artist. Every art express a message, and other art are used like a therapy to heal and to makes people to feel happy.

Nowadays, Josephine is studying Peace building at PIAS and she’s the director of PIASS Peace theater club, and the coordinator of “Lionesses girls” on the African level.

And now she’s performing her poems and theater in Rwanda and upload others on YouTube, quoting about her motives “What I do, is to express what I think is good for me and my society in my arts, I’m using videos and audios made with theater, poetry and slam, However…”

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