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What is the best definition of maturity?

By Flavian Mwasi, Entrepreneur | Social Philosopher

  • Maturity means you begin to realize that you only need one lover in your life. You grow together, learn everything together, have kids together to extend your genes, mature together and perhaps, die together. The moment you start thinking of a new relationship, you’re basically starting again from square one. You become like a grade 1 pupil.

  • Maturity is when you begin to appreciate other people’s opinions however stupid or lowly they may seem. Remember, in every junk, there’s at least 1% gold.

  • Maturity is when you start learning to listen instead of speaking. Remember, people see you the way you see them. Think about it. Humans spend nearly 70% of their time speaking, 20% doing other activities, and about 10% listening. Imagine how much information you could get for free, just by listening.

  • Maturity is when you begin to see pitfalls as temporary disruptions, challenges as your growth propellers, failures as successes and successes as potential failures.

  • Maturity is when you begin to take calculated risks instead of gambling.

  • Maturity is when you begin to remove the guesswork out of important decisions.

  • Maturity is when you begin to learn when to say “No”.

  • Maturity is when you start learning that it is better to leave bygones be bygones, forgive and forget and move on with your life. Life doesn’t travel backwards, therefore going backwards on life is like traveling a long distance in reverse gear.

  • Maturity is when you awaken to the fact that it is wrong to pass judgement on another human being based on race, color, status, educational background, religion, age, creed, cultural norms, pride or prejudice.

  • Maturity is when you begin to learn how to control your emotions. A person who cannot control his/her emotions is like a fortress whose walls have been broken, or a house without a door.

  • Maturity is when you begin to realize that a good education only teaches you how to read and write. It’s really up to you to begin educating yourself on matters that concern your life, including your well being, health, wealth, relationships, and money.

  • Maturity is when you realize as you grow older, that there’s a disconnect between you and the younger generation. Basically, you are struggling to explain simple things to the younger generation, and the younger generation is also struggling to explain simple things to you. You then realize with shock that you must adjust yourself to become like a baby to make yourself understood by the younger generation.

[Kane Tanaka | Photo Credit: Google / Hindustan Times / AP]

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