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Rwanda: Journalists trained on “Enhancing public access to information on agriculture biotechnology through mass media”

From Friday 7th to Saturday 8th October 2022, the Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Resources Development Board’s Open Forum on Agriculture Biotechnology (OFAB Rwanda chapter) conducted training of local journalists on “Enhancing public access to information on agriculture biotechnology through mass media”.

The training focused on the concerns about the perceived potential impact (negative or positive) of Genetically Modified food crops on the environment, the long-term effects of Genetically Modified food on people’s health, To expand the coverage and scope of biotechnology coverage in the Rwandan media.

The objectives of this training include to foster objective, balanced and accurate reporting on biotechnology in Rwandan media, to enhance the capacities of specialized journalists in biotechnology and biosafety reporting, to keep the Rwandan media abreast and informed on the advancement of biotechnology in Rwanda, Africa and other parts of the world, to give the journalists the opportunity to interact with experts, scientists and authorities in the field of agricultural biotechnology to improve their knowledge, and to provide linkages to biotech information sources and experts in Rwanda.

Media reporting on biotechnology is one of the most effective means to educate and inform the public hence reinforcing public awareness on agriculture integration and acceptance. Yet, biotechnology is still generally under-reported in the media in Rwanda.


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