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May Global Moment: World Vision Rwanda and REWU Unite to Honor ITER-Changemakers

Join us this May to celebrate our ITER-Changemakers as we join in May Global Moment

World Vision Rwanda and the Rwanda Extractive Industry Workers Union (REWU) are joining forces to celebrate the Change-makers who have played an active role in the It Takes Every Rwanda (ITER) campaign, which aims to end child exploitation in Rwanda.

The celebration is part of World Vision’s May Global Moment which is a global mobilisation initiative where adults and children around the world engage in conversations to take actions to end violence against children and to increase awareness of multiple options to solve this problem.

As part of the campaign, World Vision Rwanda and REWU are highlighting the importance of protecting children from exploitation.

According to Doreen Muzirankoni, World Vision Rwanda-Advocacy, Gender and Social Inclusion Advisor this May World Vision Rwanda and REWU take the opportunity to celebrate the changemakers including the children that have been implementing the ITER campaign.

“We are very excited to be able to engage with the changemakers.” Ms. Muzirankoni said.

“The changemakers in our communities are going to be engaging with the district officials. They’ll also be talking with their parents, engaging with their teachers to really continue to advocate for the rights and terms of ending Children sexual violence in Rwanda.” She added.

“We have been working with the children in schools, children representatives, the children’s committees, the children’s labour committees to really support them to advocate for ending violence against children.” Ms. Muzirankoni explained.

The Change-makers being celebrated this month are individuals and organizations who have taken action to protect children from exploitation, whether by raising awareness of the issue, advocating for stronger protections, or providing support and resources to affected children and families.

Through their joint efforts, World Vision Rwanda and REWU are sending a powerful message that it takes a world to end child exploitation. By working together, they hope to inspire others to join the fight to protect children and create a better future for all.

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