AgroPlast Ltd Takes a Stand Against Gender-Based Violence: CEO Calls for Action
Kigali, Rwanda – In a bold move to combat Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the workplace, AgroPlast Ltd, a leading Plastic Recycling Company, has announced its commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all employees. Mr. Leon Nduwayezu, the CEO of AgroPlast Ltd, made a powerful statement, expressing the company’s zero-tolerance policy towards GBV.
“At AgroPlast, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards GBV. We strongly encourage all individuals to report any incidents of harassment,” said Mr. Nduwayezu.
“To achieve this, we conduct meetings with our employees to educate them about the causes of GBV, the characteristics of such incidents, and the punishments outlined by the laws of Rwanda. We also provide guidance on how they should respond when they are victimized or witness someone else being victimized.”
“We believe that education and awareness are crucial in eradicating GBV,” stated Mr. Nduwayezu. “During the 16 Days of Activism, we will be organizing these talks to bring attention to the issue and provide our employees with the necessary information to prevent and respond to GBV. We want our employees to feel safe and supported, not just within our company, but also in their personal lives.”
The company’s commitment to ending GBV extends beyond awareness campaigns. AgroPlast Ltd has implemented clear reporting procedures and a support system to ensure that anyone who experiences or witnesses GBV receives the necessary assistance.
“We have established a reporting mechanism that allows employees to report any incidents of GBV in a confidential and supportive manner,” explained Mr. Nduwayezu.