October 14, 2024


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A vital three months for environmental diplomacy

At the 167th meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives, highlighted that the world leaders are expected to discuss the final round of negotiations on the instrument to end plastic pollution initiated by UNEP’s Member States.

More than two years ago, the UN Environment Assembly gavelled a historic resolution in which Member States signed up on the ambition to deliver a final instrument by the end of 2024. All eyes now turn to Busan, where the decision is in your hands, the Members’ States, to work together and forge an ambitious, effective, credible, and just global instrument. One that responds to the needs and calls of people and communities worldwide.

They emphasized the importance of using plastic responsibly, addressing single-use and short-lived materials in various sectors like clean transport, energy, construction, and healthcare, and implementing a life-cycle approach to ensure their use remains in the economy.

Stakeholder commitment and political support are crucial for a long-lasting agreement, and Member States are urged to expedite adoption, ratification, and implementation. G20 Ministers of the Environment are set to convene in Rio de Janeiro in early October, with their strong leadership on plastics being crucial in tackling environmental issues.

Brazil’s G20 Presidency demonstrated environmental leadership, focusing on building a just world and sustainable planet. Support will continue as South Africa takes over, following the African Union’s first year as a full member.

The Secretary-General’s Panel on Critical Energy Transition Minerals has released seven voluntary principles aimed at transforming mineral value chains, prioritizing human rights, justice, equity, and environmental protection. The principles aim to promote fairness, transparency, and accountability, fostering global cooperation for sustainable development, shared prosperity, and lasting peace, as a guide for clean power generation.

To achieve 1.5°C, investing in energy transition minerals is crucial. Africa’s nations can use increased revenues for poverty reduction, sustainable development, and long-term investments by breaking colonial patterns. Unsustainable mining practices could harm the environment and deplete critical minerals supply, necessitating a focus on circularity and environmental stewardship in extraction and product use.

Member States have requested the UNEP to examine the environmental impacts of digital technologies, considering critical minerals, circularity, and resource efficiency as key factors in accelerating the digital revolution.

UNEP plans to release an Issues Note at Summit of the Future, addressing the environmental impact of the AI lifecycle, including minerals, metals, energy, emissions, water, and e-waste.

The UNEP’s 2026-2029 Medium-Term Strategy, 2026-2027 Programme of Work, and the focus of the next UNEA will be influenced by various issues.

The UNEP is developing a new medium-term strategy, emphasizing the importance of stable funding for its mandate. Member States’ active participation and support in this discussion are appreciated. By August this year, 70 Member States contributed to the Environment Fund, with 41 full-time contributors, totaling US$73.66 million towards the $100 million budget.

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