Strengthening Security: 45 Rwandan and South Sudanese Officers Complete Tactical Command Training

Forty-five officers from Rwanda and South Sudan, on Friday, January 10, completed a five-month Police Tactical Command Course (PTCC) at the National Police College (NPC) in Musanze District.
The 15th PTCC intake included 30 participants from Rwanda National Police (RNP), Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB), National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) and Rwanda Correctional Service (RCS); as well as 15 from South Sudan National Police Service (SSNPS).
The PTCC is designed to produce competent commanders and staff officers at various levels, and prepares them for further professional development programmes.
The Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIGP) in Charge of Operations, Vincent Sano, said that in today’s global policing environment, it is essential for security personnel at all levels to possess the necessary professional knowledge and skills to effectively address contemporary challenges.
“Recognizing these contemporary challenges, the Government of Rwanda and Rwanda National Police in particular, have made considerable investment in capacity building,” DIGP Sano said.
He added that these investments ensure that the RNP officers as well as other law enforcers of Rwanda and beyond are well equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to confront the evolving security threats.
“This course has prepared you to think, plan, and operate beyond traditional and classical policing methods…and instilled a sense of solidarity and teamwork,” he told the course participants.
The Deputy Police Chief also thanked the trainees, particularly those from South Sudan, for their commitment and the eager to learn throughout the course.
He commended the existing mutual cooperation between the RNP and SSNPS especially in matters of security and capacity development.