Elite Police Teams Compete in First-Ever EAPCCO SWAT Challenge in Rwanda

The Deputy Inspector General of Police DIGP in Charge of Administration and Personnel, DCG Jeanne Chantal Ujeneze, on Wednesday, January 29, officially opened the first edition of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) challenge at the Counter Terrorism Training Centre (CTTC) Mayange in Bugesera District.
The two-day tactical challenges brought together ten elite Police teams from eight countries to showcase their operational readiness and skills required to respond to critical security incidents.
Participating countries are Rwanda, Djibouti, Kenya, Seychelles, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
It is one of the side events of the 26th Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (EAPCCO) Annual General Meeting that opened in Rwanda the same day.

While opening the SWAT Challenge, DIGP Ujeneze said that it marks a significant milestone in the collective efforts to enhance the operational readiness and cooperation of security forces across the Eastern Africa region.
“This is not only a competition, but also a testament to our shared commitment to improving the safety and security of our citizens…it continues our beacon of cooperation in the fight against transnational crime, terrorism, and other security challenges that affect our region,” DIGP Ujeneze said.
She commended countries that took part in the maiden SWAT Challenge, and acknowledged efforts by each team urging them to maintain the spirit of what they stand for.

She also lauded the inclusion of female special forces teams in the competition, which recognizes the role and impact of women in peace, security and development matters.
“The SWAT Challenge is not just about competition; it is about learning from one another, sharing knowledge, skills and best practices, and building stronger relationships among our law enforcement agencies. These events foster camaraderie, trust, and a spirit of collaboration that will definitely enhance our collective operational capabilities in the future,” DIGP Ujeneze said.
In the next two days, the elite teams will compete in three main events; tactical and rescue operations, assault, which tests the ability to operate in high-pressure assault event, and obstacle event, which tests the teams’ physical endurance and agility.