The City of Kigali reveals plans for a groundbreaking environmental protection project, Green City Kigali, in the Kinyinya Sector of...
Nyungwe National Park, a natural forest located in the southwest of Rwanda, is a home of many primates found in...
APEFA, a non-government Organization concerned with environment degradation, climate change, smart agriculture, and food security in Rwanda has concluded the...
The Mount Airy work is supported by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It is part of a push by...
Revealed: TikTok is the most pollutive social media with each user emitting 2.63g of CO2 each minute
With social media being used by over 4.76 billion people around the globe, amassing to 59% of the world's population, it is...
Kigali, 17th March 2023 - As part of efforts to support the promotion of circular economy for food in Rwanda,...
Talented rappers AGS Remedy and AGS Rapido are shattering the airwaves with their latest single ‘Alright’, which is available on...
From Monday, October 24th, 2022, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) organized a Global Green Growth Week to provide engagement...
By Ange de la Victoire DUSABEMUNGU Climate Change Impacts Disproportionately on African Women, Says Advocacy Officer at Panafrican Climate Justice...
by Oliver Griffith As COP26 underlined again, we must stop deforestation to slow climate change. To meet the target of...
LONDON, 18 January 2022 – Setting climate targets, measuring, managing, and reaching these is one of the greatest boardroom challenges of...
Rwanda’s Presidential order has approved a decree on the establishment of Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) regional Headquarters in Rwanda. The...
NEW YORK, USA - A landmark account published by Business Green and authored by former US Diplomat and World Bank Group (IFC) official Oliver...
This partnership that was officially launched on October 12th, 2021, is aiming at sharing information and experience between University of...