October 11, 2024


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Nyamasheke district, partner make it easier for local women looking for Maternity services

The administration of Nyamasheke District in the Western Province of Rwanda has officially opened a Maternity house in Rangiro Sector to facilitate parents who travelled long distances to seek maternity services at Banda and Yove health centers within a 15-Kilometers which was very far as beneficiaries confirmed.

The Maternity was constructed in Partnership with KAGENO, an NGO founded to address the needs of impoverished communities in remote areas.

The total cost of the Maternity House is valued at more than Rwf 80 million including the necessary equipment.

The Banda Health Centre  is allowed to have this Maternity service after the request of the Community and an analysis showed that it is an area that should be brought closer to the service due to its landscape.

The community expressed their gratitude for the close Maternity services and pledged their cooperation in taking good care of these infrastructures.

The Banda clinic near Nyungwe National Park serves about 5,200 people each month and between 10-12 parents who come for maternity services every month.



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