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How Job Service Offices in the Salesian TVETs will tackle unemployment issues among young people in Africa

L-R: Father Georges T. Executive Director of DB Tech, Sebutege Ange, Huye District and Father Pierre Celestin Ngoboka, Provincial Superior of the Salesians in the Africa Great Lakes Province (Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda)

Salesians across Africa continue to do their best to address the unemployment problem among young people who complete Vocational Training and professional courses through an early-stage follow-up program and focus on teaching skills needed to the job market.

Speaking at a recent ceremony at Don Bosco Rango TVET School in Rwanda, Father George Tharaniyil, the executive Director of Don Bosco Tech Africa revealed that through Job Service Offices to be set at Salesian TVET centres across Africa, young be will have opportunities to be connected to potential employers as well as given the skills that are needed to the job market.

0ver 100 Vocational Training Centres are coordinated by Don Bosco Tech Africa as the main organ to oversee the development of Salesian TVET Centres in Africa.

 “This office has so many responsibilities. First and foremost is to help young people especially choose the right way of Life through the selection of right profession,” Father Tharaniyil said

He explains that young people will be able to get assistance even after school.

“In addition, the Office will have contacts with various industries. The office will be assisting you to find employment. Again, the office will have good relations with various industries, so that the training we offer here at the college will be in line with the needs of the job market.” Father Tharaniyil said.

There are actually many programs that help young people find jobs. It requires cooperation between the private sector, the state and donors.

The Mayor of Huye District, where Don Bosco Rango TVET School is located recently said that teaching practical skills is important because it provides more opportunities for employment and creativity.

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