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Never Again Rwanda, affiliates Youth Organizations celebrates International Youth Day


By Mfuranzima Fred

By 2030, young Africans are expected to make up 42 percent of the world’s youth and account for 75 percent of those under age 35 in Africa.

With such a large population of young people, supportive policies and programs on inclusive youth development are critical now more than ever.

Harnessing the demographic dividend and expanding opportunities for young people—to the benefit of all Africans—will require sound data and evidence on the status of African youth.

On 12 August every year is International Youth Day. The theme of International Youth Day 2021 is: “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for Human and Planetary Health”, with the aim of highlighting that the success of such a global effort will not be achieved without the meaningful participation of young people.

The main objective behind this theme is to highlight the hard work and efforts put by young people in the transformation of food systems. Moreover, the theme also focuses on making people aware of efforts and ideas for collectively saving the planet.

Never Again Rwanda has partnered with affiliates Youth Organizations and Social Enterprises like Sauti Art Rwanda, Imfura Heritage Rwanda, Ihumure Never Again, Wikimedia among others to celebrate International Youth Day 2021 at Saint Paul Kigali to discuss and create a policy brief focused on country and regional findings on youth development in the country to spark discussion while at the same time discussing on theme of the year.

Youth emphasised that there must really be a push towards mindsets where we build value chains; build research and development; invest in youth relevant technology for agricultural transformation (i.e. affordable, user friendly and accessible and durable).

By making sure that youth build financial track records within their savings groups, they become bankable and ready for the loans, boosting their agricultural activities and other Innovations. “Dreams are not enough.” Tuyisenge Eugenie, one of the youth participants from Imfura Heritage Rwanda said.

The food industry is a complex, global network of diverse businesses that supplies most of the food consumed by the world’s population.

The youth is generally considered as the pillar of society. They are obliged to lend their knowledge of the food supply system to this process to help guarantee its efficiency and effectiveness and to ensure that it results in a supply of safe products. This involvement is beneficial to consumers and governments as well as to industry, and this exchange of information should be facilitated by governments.

Quoting participants, despite youth ever-increasing numbers and influence at community level; young people claimed that they are frequently overlooked in different programmes.

The Deputy Executive Director of Never Again Rwanda, Eric Mahoro assures youth participants that Never Again Rwanda is willingly to support youth and requested them to work on their innovations for transforming their lives and specially to try and reach their potentials for sustainable peace and development.

Covid 19 challenged youth plans and has affected youth constructive participation in peacebuilding and suggests some reflections for effectively harnessing youth’s power and potential for building sustainable peace and reconciliation in their community.

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