February 7, 2025


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DFC and USTDA Join Forces to Bring Electricity to Rural Burundi

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) have announced a combined effort to support Weza Power in expanding electricity access in Burundi. DFC has granted $3.1 million to Weza Power to accelerate the expansion of grid access, while USTDA has awarded a feasibility study grant to help develop a rural electric utility with the capacity to connect nine million people to the national grid.

The partnership between the two agencies and Weza Power, as well as the Government of Burundi, aims to increase access to reliable electricity for students, families, and business owners in rural communities where access is currently less than 2%. The project is expected to increase national access from 11% to over 70% by 2030.

“We are proud to support the efforts to advance energy security in Burundi,” said Erica Ehst, DFC Vice President of Energy. “DFC investments in energy provide people and businesses with reliable and secure sources of electricity to drive development, promote economic growth, and create job opportunities.”

Enoh T. Ebong, USTDA’s Director, added, “This project will have a transformative impact on rural communities across Burundi. USTDA’s partnership with Weza Power is a critical component of the U.S. government’s coordinated effort to meet Burundi’s power sector goals.”

The combined efforts of DFC, USTDA, Weza Power, and other U.S. government agencies aim to bring electricity to all Burundians, reaching even the most remote rural communities. This investment represents a significant step towards improving the future of the country and its people.

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