April 19, 2024


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Climate Change and Irrigation: Gasabo Marshland Farmers project Water use Conflicts as dry season is likely to affect their crops

Climate change and dependency on rain-fed farming strongly affect yield production while Smart irrigation can help to overcome these dependencies and to ensure food security.

All farmers in their respective categories can’t afford the same means since our agriculture sector is still exploited by a high percentage of farmers practicing the traditional agriculture although as time goes on, some changes towards the sectors modernisation are being made.

On Saturday, through our “Meet the Professional programme”, TOPAFRICANEWS’s reporter, Ange de la Victoire DUSABEMUNGU met farmers grouped in a Union of Cooperatives of Farmers with the Same Goal known as KOABIGA which cultivate vegetables with French beans being one of the most cultivated crops followed by other types of vegetables namely tomatoes, garden eggs, cabbages among many others.

The main objective of visit was to find out how farmers are practicing an informed agriculture here in Gasabo District in the City of Kigali and how are they copping with Water Shortage for irrigation during this dry season.

Although Water use conflicts are not at an alarming level, however farmers noted that there is a need for the intervention as soon as future water use conflicts are predictable referring to the previous scenarios.

TOP AFRICA NEWS’s reporter has visited them and below is the full coverage:

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