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REWU hands over mattresses and Bicycles to PIRAN Rwanda Workers


On Thursday, May 13, 2021, 200 employees of PIRAN Rwanda Company which is located in Rwamagana District, Eastern Province received bicycles and mattresses worth Rwf 17, 8 million.

Those bicycles and mattresses were distributed to the owners, thanks to the good partnership between Rwanda Extractive Industry Workers Union (REWU), PIRAN Rwanda as well as other goods’ manufacturer factories.

Beneficiaries will pay in installements as agreed by involved parties.

This act was commended by various officials as highlighted in their remarks.

The managing director of PIRAN Rwanda Mr. SEMATURO Lionel emphasized on the importance of having social dialogue between management of the company and trade union in the company as he has seen many positive impacts compared with the time when employees were not in the trade union. 

Speaking at the event, Eng. Mutsindashyaka Andre, the Secretary General of REWU promised to continue advocacy and other activities for the betterment of the workers.

Nkundabakura Kalika Javan, a representative of the Ministry of Public Service and Labor and the Chief Guest, praised the good cooperation between REWU and Piran, and called for this initiative to be extended to all mines as a contribution to social welfare of all workers.

He also urged those present to continue promoting social dialogue for better working conditions and contribute to community development.

REWU will continue to advocate for the wellbeing of all workers in the Mining and Quarrying Industry by connecting the workers to the manufacturing companies that can provide various items in order to enhance the development of workers as well as their families.

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