December 3, 2024


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Good bye to Rwanda: Peter Vrooman heads to Maputo on Sunday


In a good Kinyarwanda language, the outgoing US Ambassador to Rwanda Peter Vrooman bids farewell to Rwandans, emphasizing that Rwanda has been a good country for him, largely due to the friendly people and friendly environment.

Ambassador Peter Vrooman said that learning Kinyarwanda has helped him to do his job well and is proud that with the support of the US Embassy in Rwanda, the Rwanda Education Board has been able to deliver millions of Kinyarwanda-language books to help the country’s children develop the reading culture.

He said the books also include those for the visually impaired persons and the Sign Language Dictionary.

He also pointed out that during his assignment in Rwanda, the United States has partnered with Rwanda on a number of issues including trade, public health, fighting HIV / AIDS, Ebola and COVID 19.

In terms of recreation, Ambassador Vrooman described how he was able to climb the four volcanoes of Rwanda and ride more than 6,000 kilometers on a bicycle in freedom, peace and security.

He counted other mountains that he has been able to climb including Bumbogo, Nduba and Gikomero.

He recalled that he was very happy to visit the gorillas, citing one of the baby gorillas he had named “Intarutwa” during the annual Baby Gorilla Naming Ceremony.

He affirmed that he has been able to achieve all the goals because of knowing the Rwandan culture.

He concluded by thanking Rwandans and informing them that on Sunday he will head to Maputo as US Ambassador to Mozambique.

Ambassador Vrooman has been in Rwanda for more than four years and has been very active in the Kinyarwanda language.

It is unknown at this time who will replace him after leaving the post.

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