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U.S Statement on DRC-MONUSCO Crisis

Department Press Briefing
Ned Price, Department Spokesperson
July 28, 2022

[Excerpted ..]

MR PRICE: Over the past four days, there have been protests against MONUSCO in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. A number of these protests have turned violent, resulting in the unacceptable and tragic deaths of UN peacekeepers and UN police officers and Congolese protesters.

The United States offers our condolences and deepest sympathies to the families, the friends, and colleagues of those killed as well as to MONUSCO and to the United Nations. MONUSCO plays a critical role in fostering peace and security, protecting civilians, and facilitating delivery of humanitarian assistance.

We call on the national and local authorities in the DRC to ensure the protection of MONUSCO sites and personnel and for protesters to express their sentiments peacefully. We appreciate the government of the DRC’s commitment to investigating these events and holding accountable those responsible.

The United States underscores that attacks against UN personnel and facilities are contrary to international law. Freedom of expression, including peaceful protest, must be allowed, but not violence.

Next, today the Department of State published our annual Investment Climate Statements, which describe the investment climates of more than 160 countries and economies around the world.

The Investment Climate Statements help U.S. companies make informed business decisions. They also serve as a reference for foreign governments seeking to mobilize high-quality, sustainable investments as they drive continued economic recovery from the pandemic. A welcoming investment climate can help attract high-quality, durable investments and support the global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The reports highlight those areas in which countries have improved local investment conditions, as well as remaining barriers that may hinder opportunities for U.S. businesses.

Successful global economic recovery from the pandemic must be grounded in sustainable, equitable, and inclusive growth. To that end, the statements not only cover market conditions, they assess how governments uphold international labor standards, enable responsible business conduct, combat corruption, and implement policies to mitigate and adapt to the effects of the climate crisis.

The statements can be found online on our website.

For full text of briefing, please follow this link.

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